Passion is not found, it evolves. The more interest you invest, the stronger your emotional attachment will deepen. That emotional attachment is like a huge magnet, which attracts others to you.
Passion is deliberately built, as you invest energy. Clients want people with energy and focus.
1) Know customers passion, to connect with them.
Passionate people care. They always invest time to get better. The quality of their work grows. That is why managers and clients prize workers who are passionate. Passionate people are passionate about many things. That is why a manager will seek out passionate people, so the client can benefit from the worker’s enthusiasm.
Passion is deliberately built up. It is transferrable from one topic to another. That’s why it is so highly desired by clients who want a champion to solve their problems.
Job descriptions use different words to draw passionate people to them: motivated, evangelists, passionate, quality, customer-focused, driven, self-initiator, focused, enthusiastic. They look for people with hobbies, or volunteer work, especially interests that require learning, working with a team, or increasing mastery of skills.
A person who loves learning can learn many things. She is much more valuable than one who is bored, or doesn’t like doing their job.
William Glasser was working with homeless people, who were often considered as not very motivated. At the time, Maslow’s hierarchy was considered a leading-edge behavioral theory. It stated that people must have foundational needs met before other needs were addressed. For example, people would work to gain food and shelter, before they would seek friends. However, Glasser observed that instead of a static pyramid of need, people had needs that shifted in importance, at different times. Sometimes they would prize friendships over shelter, or self-respect over being part of the crowd.
Glasser envisioned basic needs to be like balloons, which expanded in different situations.
According to Glasser Institute, the 5 basic needs include:
- SURVIVAL. What you need to sustain life, as well as a sense of safety and security.
- LOVE & BELONGING. The need to be connected to others. The desire to belong, to love and be loved.
- POWER. The need to be your best, to matter, to leave a legacy, to have an impact to be competent.
- FREEDOM. The ability to do what you want, when you want, without restriction.
- FUN. Play, relaxation and meaningful learning.
2) Build your passion, so others are attracted to you.
Understand what makes you passionate. When things become difficult, it is important to recognize what pulls you through difficulties and challenges.
SUPERCONSCIOUS PASSION. Consciousness thought is the awareness of what you know, and like. Subconscious thought is habit, an attitude of world-view. Superconscious thought is deep behavior and perspective. Sometimes it is called passion.
Be an Attraction Magnet. In common language, superconscious recognition can also be called the ‘pregnant woman’ or the ‘classic car’ syndrome. If you are pregnant, or interested in classic cars, then you may see other pregnant women, or cars, which others ignore. Likewise, if you are highly interested in something, you will see opportunities others miss.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you are passionate, others will see you and recognize your love of learning, even when many others compete with you. 5 DEEP MOTIVATORS are some of the clearest ways to stand out from the crowd, creating an emotional resonance with those who pay.
See Dr. John Chuback. In his a fun book, “Make your own Damn Cheese”, he discusses the power of the mind to shape success. Jaye especially applied his ideas in attracting others to help.
Discuss these with your Mastermind Alliance. Get comfortable with expressing your passion, so you can be selected from a crowd.
- This month, what are the top 2 deep motivators you are interested in?
- What opportunities are available to you to deepen your passion?
- Tell about when you really bonded with customer, and delivered more than they even knew they wanted.
- What powers you through, to overcome obstacles and complete the work, (when others may give up)?
People will pay you to be passionate about helping them improve their lives. They seek people who love to learn, who care about quality, and who know better then they do, the features that make their lives easier.
If you don’t know this, they will choose people who ‘únderstand what they want, even more than they do themselves’. They find benefit in dealing with those who exceed their expectations.
Passionate. Driven. Self-initiator. Confident. Enthusiastic. Quality-minded. Customer focused. Know needs. Define customer requirements. Loves to learn. Continuing Education. Advocate. Stands up for what is right. Deeply motivated. Understands what client wants. Resonates with what people desire. Emotionally intuitive. Persistent. Does not give up. Powers through obstacles. Exceeds expectations.
3) Know what deeply motivates you, to power you through difficulties, or make good decisions.
Even in unexpected situations, being able to express deep motivators to customers, may close a sale, and deliver a meaningful products.
Back in the 1970’s Jaye was investigating traveling abroad. In looking at backpacks, the salesperson mentioned that the new model of pack was made of plastic, which made it light and flexible. But it cost the same as half a quarter of college tuition. Unsure to commit to such amount, Jaye wanted to know if it was worth it.
The salesperson, said, “If you really want it, you will get it. I find that I usually get whatever I set my mind to. This is a good product.” Jaye bought it and used it to travel Asia in the decades to come. The clarity that the salesman brought to her, was a motivator remembered throughout her life, until now.
You usually get what you deeply want, no matter the obstacles that may stop others. Know what motivates you, and use that to make appropriate decisions.
Tell us about a time when you were able to understand the deep motivator of your customer and how this influenced their decision. (Tell how you exceeded their expectation.)
MISSION. (What value you bring.)
Why does your passion influence your customer to choose you over others who can also do the job?
WHAT benefit do they get from your enthusiasm and care?
VISION. (How you bring it.)
When you bond with the customer, HOW do you show you understand their needs?
- Give examples of deliverables that show you know what they desire, even more than what they know themselves. (HOW you exceed expectations.)
- Give examples of HOW people see you are building your passion (feeding your love of learning and quality).
If you DON’T KNOW how to resonate with the customer real needs,
If you DON’T love to learn, and become complacent,
then what will happen?