Our difference

What we discovered

Comfortable lives are predictable and routine. 

  • Most people prefer SIMPLE situations, where they control steady progress from school, through jobs, and retirement. 
  • But
    when life gives  UNCERTAIN situations (Job loss, New roles, Illness, or Broken Relationships) 
    then different skills are needed.

During the 2020’s, our Director had an all team meeting to discuss layoffs. One lady asked, “Can you tell me why I am being laid off  after 30 years? I asked my manager, but she was laid off too. I asked her Sr. Manager, and she was being laid off also. Why?”

The Director answered, “To deal with the global pressures, we need people with SKILLSETS and MINDSETS that adjust to change.”  My co-worker replied, “I will change, just tell me what you want!” But it was too late for her and many others.

The Resiliency+ resources (guided meditations and journals) help

  • build Skillsets (Competence) and Mindsets (Confidence) with guides for practical project management, and marketing, as well as inner peace and conflict resolution. 

Small groups give encouragement as you customize plans for your personal journey.

  • WORKERS use the words to show their value to their bosses. 
  • MANAGERS enjoy the ideas to develop and showcase their teams to their Directors.
  • ENTREPRENEURS need the vocabulary to prove worth to their clients.
  • PARENTS value being able to talk with children and grand-children, to pass on resiliency in finances and emotional strength.

 This approach
keeps you focused on going quickly to a better life, and
equips you with transferrable wisdom, so
you can adapt your own journey.

A life-time of practical skills and wisdom

Jaye worked as a consultant project manager for global leaders at Boeing, Microsoft, Chase, Liberty Mutual, ATT, T-Mobile, Weyerhaeuser, Seattle Pacific University and Swedish Medical Center, from the 1980's to the 2000's.

In the 2010's and 2020's Jaye worked in Boeing's world-class Leadership, Development, and Training Organization, developing, producing, testing, and managing storage for over 10,000 courses (like the entire catalog of universities).

She has first-hand expertise in world-class training for globally competitive workforces in emerging technologies.
Picture of Jaye Lill
Jaye Lill
Learning Facilitator

Jaye Lill was a learning specialist and project and program manager in emerging technology for diverse industries. (Includes full-time, part-time, and volunteer work.)

AEROSPACE. (12 years, Project Manager, Training & Development)

Boeing Computer (Network Engineer and Sys Admin for multi-stack networking, and cyber security)
Boeing Defense and Space (LAN Administrator.)
Boeing Commercial (Program Manager  (3 countries) in Digital Networking roll out.
Cross-companies trainer in 10 cities.)
Boeing Electronics (Top Secret level grant writer in nuclear hard computers.
Computer program manager for 10 organizations.)

(Network Engineering Program Manager)

Seattle Pacific University (Trainer, SW developer for Nursing accreditation system, Health Sciences Programs).

Boeing Training (Course developer, software programmer, video editor.
Program Manager for multi-million $ library of 10K+ courses.
Project Manager for course development, $50K to $1M per course.)

FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate)
Chase (WaMu).
Keybank (Olympic Savings).
Liberty Mutual (SAFECO).
America’s Choice (Real Estate Agent).
Citi Group (Insurance (Life and disability) Sales).

T-Mobile (VoiceStream).
ATT Wireless
Siemens (Entex).
Outsourced Information Systems (SW Developer).
Sprint (ClearWire)

Swedish Medical Center. (Internal Computer Consultant,
Learning and Medical Systems.)
OMF Intl. (Network Engineer. SW developer. Trainer.)
World Concern (Manager of International Handicraft sales and shipping).
Bethesda Church (Vice President).
Thrivent (Chapter Director). 
World Relief (Computer skills Trainer).
ACRS (Computer skills Trainer).

What is Resiliency+ difference?

To showcase the
so you are
seen heard, valued, and respected.


Do it now

Do you want to increase your 'happy brain chemicals'?

Dopamine = Focus
Oxytocin = Bonding
Serotonin = Alertness
Endorphins = Persistence
Melatonin = Relaxation

Resiliency+ difference

When we found out how adults learn, we built-in how to increase BRAIN CAPABILITY.

When we found out how brains heal, we built-in how to trigger ‘happy brain chemicals’ to build neuroplasticity to increase BRAIN CAPACITY.

Over nearly 40 years, we tried various elements of 15 learning sciences.

A) Problem-based learning science, so every concept had a practical skill and measurable deliverable. (These
COMPETENCE builders are real-world

B) Whole-brain learning science, so every concept was deeply internalized for transformational change. (These
CONFIDENCE builders are powerful, life-changing
MINDSETS for neuroplasticity and
brain CAPACITY.)

Our program helped immigrants, first-time employees, and visually impaired workers, get jobs they enjoy. So, we were surprised, when we discovered others dropped out. We identified several reasons how participants self-sabotaged themselves. 

Since we were volunteering our time, we didn’t want to waste it on drop-outs. It tooks us just weeks to uncover the 7 things sabotaging people. But we stopped for 2 years, while we researched how to overcome the internal obstacles, quitters had in common. Over the next 5 years, we curated the most powerful accelerators to equip our participants.

Now, every course has access to these counter measures, and our facilitators know how to help students apply these motivators, to increase their success.
Speed Success Graphic

You can find these summarized in CHAMPIONS GET UNSTUCK, and the R+ tips, Speed Success (CR010).

One of students was having a hard time learning. He asked, ‘Can you help heal my brain?’  The initial answer was, ‘Uh, No.’ But, since we DID
know learning science, (how people transform with learning)
we invested hundreds of hours investigating brain science (how ‘happy brain chemicals’ reinforce learning) which builds redundant neuropathways.

This lead to understanding how brain chemicals are formed, strengthened and nurtured.

Our course material has been re-written and organized to deliberately enhance focus (dopamine), bonding (oxytocin), relaxation (melatonin), through work-books, coaching, and guided meditations.

Now, participants dive into the learning method best fitting the type of nurture needed in the moment. 

The final results include 
A) Prolonged Default Mode State (DMS), for relaxed and alert work.
B) Increased neuro plasticity.
Intertwined , alternate neuro-pathways link right and left brains, for
conscious (behavior),
subconscious (long-term memory and habit), and
superconscious (transformational mastery)

Happy Brain Chemicals Graphic

We are not just here to help you get a job, mentor your family, or lead a team in change. (Although we do have roadmaps to make that quicker.)

We want you to sharpen all your tools, so you are ready for change. 

Your world (family, clients, work) needs your mentorship in methods, tools, ideas that help them thrive!

Create richer fuller lives, every day.