Choose Your Approach (Appropriate)

"When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Many of us learned PROCESS improvement skills, for KNOWN situations. But how well equipped are we for today's UNKNOWN and UNCERTAIN situations? R+ variation of David Snowden's Cynefin Framework gives insights in applying appropriate approaches.
Cynefin graphic

Our world is changing fast, so we need to change too! The skills that used to work might not be enough anymore. David Snowden’s Cynefin® Framework helps us make sense of changes. Doing the same process over and over isn’t so helpful when everything around us is changing.

We use R+ approaches appropriate for the (Cynefin®) situation:

  • learn new things (Disordered),
  • take action (Chaotic),
  • work with others, (Complicated) and
  • understand systems – how everything is connected (Complex).

When you have different skills for different challenges, you can feel confident that you’re making good choices for yourself and your family.

  • Stand out. Lead yourself and others in change.
  • Be Worth More. With Resiliency+™ you show how valuable you really are.

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