Fast way to build self-esteem (Overcome self-sabotage)

You can overcome the self-sabotage of depression, lack of structure and social isolation, by having a plan and doing it. Working to have a richer, fuller life is a quick way to build self-esteem and empower yourself.
self-esteem vs self-sabotage

3:00 am, one morning in 2009, I was dropping my husband off to work, when the BBC World Service aired a podcast that shaped my life. It was a story of the National Health Service investigating why a declining steel town in England had the highest prescription drug rate for anti-depressants in the nation.  Since the mills closed, the fathers were sitting alone in the pubs, the youth roamed the streets, and the mothers popped pills, in quiet depression. (In fact, the statistic of this city is one of the highest per capita in prescription anti-depressants is what triggered an onsite evaluation). Sending in teams of investigators, the researchers were looking into the situation. The mental health team listed three contributing causes. Eagerly I listened for the causes, and their solutions. 

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