Get It Done (Accountable)

People who persist, even in boring work, are highly prized. They take ownership, focus, and finish. Stand out from the crowd - Be Accountable for your actions.
Be accountable graphic

Charlie B. was his team’s best ‘tactical thinker’ and doer. In the team, personal accountability (results oriented) was a trait of everyone. But, he was definitely the ‘focus and finish’ guy. What made him stand out, and be the one chosen for mission-critical troubleshooting?

Here are some tips to overcome the self-sabotage of procrastination, low self-esteem, boredom and depression.
[Click the tabs in each section.]

Charlie stood out, because he did the job. Anytime. All the time. Sometimes, the rest of us would spend time on the ‘fun’ or interesting aspects of our job. When we had hundreds of courses to migrate to a new system, he started with the ‘easy’ ones to learn the new development language. Others of us, got mired in items more complex and difficult. We also had other tasks, which diverted our time and attention. Sometimes I too procrastinated, because I feared boredom, and didn’t like repetitive work, hour after hour.

Three things were part of Charlie’s work ethic.
These are learned behaviors.

One way you can show if you have ‘focus and finish’ and persistence is if you can complete the tutorials ‘Overcome Self-sabotage’. These are found in the overview of Change Champions GET UNSTUCK.

You can do this for free!
On the Right menu, select R+ Tips.
In the Categories section in the right side-bar,
filter on the category, Speed Success.

Get R Done Graphic

Over time, Charlie had a significant impact on the behavior of his co-workers. From time to time, one could hear us remind each other, ”Get ‘er done”. 

A sign appeared outside the the team’s cubicle appeared: 

Get ‘r done


A major self-sabotage is Boredom, Anxiety, Fear of failure, and Depression.

The way to overcome self-sabotage is to
BE RESPONSIBLE. Accept responsibility,
FOCUS. Avoid distractions, and
FINISH. Don’t stop until you get it done.’


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