Powerful Coping Mechanisms (Coping)

We use 7 powerful coping mechanisms, as the basis for key behaviors, leading to psychological resiliency. How well equipped will you be, when you know more ways to reduce stress and adapt to change?
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It wasn’t until we came across mental health issues in others, which impacted our own peace of mind, when we seriously investigated coping mechanisms. We did not know how to deal with others, when rational thought could not be used. The benefit of deeper understanding was felt right away! 

    Immediately, this knowledge gave us a new vocabulary to have critical conversations, and how to act when talking did not work.
    It equipped us with the insight to recognize our personal strengths.
    It gave us understanding of how men and women in America, from our generation had been brought up to cope in different ways. 
  • JOB INTERVIEWS. It helped get a job with a single interview question. 
Over the next 25 years, the psychiatry literature blossomed from the two basics (Emotional coping and Problem-solving coping) to several others. 
  • After years of experience, research and application, we consolidated these into 7 major areas.

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