Explore our courses, Grow your income.
Our courses are actually thoughtfully laid out project plans for people who want to shape their career paths and improve streams of income. The plans have been honed over the decades by participants working with 200+ managers and recruiters.
- Your thoughts and actions personalize your journey, for your unique path.
- We can walk it together, and rejoice in your outcomes.
- If you GIVE $55 or more to our GoFundMe campaign by July 15th,
- Then RECEIVE CR101 or CR105 for yourself or a friend.
Our best tutorials to show your value
Learn proven strategies and ideas for income growth
Feed your brain
You can deliberately improve your brain capacity through our multi-modal approach.
Trigger your own 'happy brain' chemicals
Dopamine - Persist
Oxytocin - Bond
Serotonin - Alert
Endorphins - Focus
Melatonin - Relax
Find new, effective belief.
Build new brain capacity.
Besides learning practical tools, our multi-modal learning is designed to trigger brain chemicals to shift your mood on-demand, as you reinforce new brain pathways.
(We call the ‘happy brain chemicals’ DOSEM.)
Guided Journals provide a step-by-step wisdom cycle: Know, Own, and Show. (Gain focus and reward with Dopamine.)
Mentors, study-buddies, and your Mastermind Alliance provide immediate feedback. (Feel seen and heard with Oxytocin.)
Workshops are available, online and in person. (Feel alive and connected with Serotonin.)
Our on-demand webinars and tutorials move at your pace. (Keep going with Endorphins.)
Relax, even sleep, as soothing voice gives you rich words to put into deep memory. (Be refreshed with Melatonin.)

- Online
- 5 week
- CR101, with project
Basic intro to value chain, using your career path as your project plan for finding new role, or getting good performance review. Find your strengths!

- Online
- 5 week
- CR105, with project
Basic intro to being visible and appreciated. Your project plan for becoming more valuable in your current role. Develop talent in team-readiness.

- Online
- 10 weeks
- CR107 with project
Deep dive, transforms your life. Walk through every plank of the CLIFPIN bridge, which flows money and opportunity to you. Learn the vocabulary of each step of the value chain. Your project plan for career resiliency, no matter what the economy is.

- Online
- 1 hour
- CR010 Reading
Online reading for the most powerful tools we have to get unstuck. We analyzed the difference between the quitters and our successful students. Gain the vocabulary, and encouragement to power through to a richer, fuller life.

- Online
- 3h 15min
- CR090, with project
Get acquainted with our different approach to learning. This multi-media intro let’s you see if leading yourself and others through change is right for you.

- Online
- 10 weeks
- CR107, with project
If you find our approach worthy to help the world,
Then, please support our go-fund-me campaign.
We need your support to build the infrastructure needed to deliver to college students, in WA state and the Philippines. Invest the RESILIENT WORKFORCE of the future.
- GIVE a gift of $55 or more, before July 15th!
- RECEIVE your choice of a course (CR101 or CR105) for yourself or a friend.
Join The Community
Learn proven online business concepts and strategies for audience and
income growth
How do these toolkits differ, and work together, to make you stronger and more resilient?
Choose the tools YOU want
There are two main toolkits:
1) SKILLSETS for Competence (Financial) Security &
2) MINDSETS for Coping Skills (Emotional) Security.
Look at EXTERNAL PRESSURES and INTERNAL VALUES and shape the change you are living.Jaye Lill