Roadmap CR105
Be Seen, Heard, Valued, & Respected
This brief overview is used by an individual, to become visible for promotion, or introduce them to a new team. It is also a powerful guide for team leads, or managers, who want to bring a team together.
This basic roadmap is used to help individuals, teams, or entire organizations keep their skills sharp in identifying threats and opportunities, due to changes in their company and global marketplace.
This material has been used to develop complexity management skills (cross-training) within groups, introduce new team members, layout new career paths, and enhance employee engagement.
Step 1
Build passion & dignity
Understand the drivers of a healthy, open, work environment, which holds dignity at its core and fosters rich, personal growth.
Step 2
Know your customers
Know the challenges your (employer’s) customers face. How does understanding changing situa-tions, increase value you bring?
Step 3
Know yourself
Review personal competencies. Use this to: know skills that transfer to new roles, layout a learning plan, or deepen value to the team.
Step 4
Find the Sweet Spot
Put together the real needs of your customers, the organization’s roles, and your skills and career plan. Discuss with your mentor or boss.
Step 5
Connect with Passion
Know what others appreciate in you. What do they most value? Practice Active Listening.
Step 6
Empower Others
Build richer teams. Know how to identify your hidden talents. Cross-train others in behaviors, not tasks.
Step 7
Show your Value
Build your comfort zone in highlighting the value you bring, and how you bring it.
Roadmap for a Team member or lead
CR105-Be Seen, Heard, Valued, and Respected
Show gratitude to others. Help create a work environment that uplifts you daily.
Take ownership to grow, and to collaborate with others, so the whole team is enriched.
Gratitude. Say Thank you 3 times a day.
Kindness. Listen with empathy. Pass on happiness.
OBJECTIVE: Know that different situations require different approaches. Be able to explain which skills are needed at different times.
Cynefin Framework. Explain the types of skills needed for managing complexity and changing situations.
Iceberg Mental Model. Discuss how you help team adopt ‘Shape your change’ behavior for customers’ benefit
Use Critical Thinking Research skills to assess your skills in three of your favorite roles.
See how they break out skills, in terms of appropriateness to different situations.
Learning Plan. Feed your love of learning to master skills, and add new ones.
Transferrable Skills. Discover which skills are used in several roles.
Review Critical Thinking’s Analysis and Synthesis skills. Group information to make it more meaningful.
Learn to recognize the words distinguishing higher and lower pay levels.
Personalize which transferrable roles build your passion. Volunteer for additional opportunities.
Alignment to desirable Roles. Spot trends. Personalize which skills you do well, and which you enjoy doing more.
Ranking of most-highly valued (higher paid) skills. Analyze which skills are more valuable to those who pay.
Learn to actively listen to how others introduce you. Notice the most important things meaningful to them.
Use their words, expressing the value you bring, in your performance review, or career path discussions.
Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Practice your 30 second introduction.
Active Listening exercise: Determine your Mission and Vision for use in your resume, or profile.
5 Deep Motivators: Build your passion to resonate in a job interview, or monthly 1:1, with those who want to see your commitment to job well done.
Learn to share contagious optimism. Show gratitude.
Have a mentor; Be a mentor. Set up bounded relationships with a Mentorship Agreement. Be a sounding board for others good ideas.
Know that simple skills can be outsourced or automated, allowing you to exercise more highly evolved thinking and innovation skills.
Identify thinking methodologies best used by you and your team members. (strategic, tactical, critical, creative, systems, & design.)
Mentorship Agreement. Enlist management to encourage formal arrangements of mentoring, or cross-training.
Cross-training skills. Learn to cross-train others, not only in job tasks, but in thinking and behavioral change.
Procedure Template. Have access to a simple instruction template.
Deliver visible means for others to see your contributions and skills.
Volunteer to bring something new to reality.
Updated resume.
Online Profile.
Skills list.
Video Introduction.