System check
Terrific Tools
Learning business tools is a critical component to having a competitive edge.
Please check that you have access to the programs needed to make the most of our multi-media learning.
What do you need to do before you start a class?
Check it out:
(Hotmail account, with Word, Excell)
Some of our favorite technologies
Please review the following components prior to your first workshop.
Zoom is our most popular streaming platform. Please check compatibility before you come.
Here is the R+ link, with password and event link.
If you don’t have Zoom yet: FREE CLIENT.
Sign up for Zoom.
Download Client.
Use Zoom via Browser.
If you do not yet have Word or Excel, you can get FREE mini-versions with a Microsoft Outlook or Live email account.
Over nearly 40 years, we tried various elements of 15 learning sciences.
A) Problem-based learning science, so every concept had a practical skill and measurable deliverable. (These
COMPETENCE builders are real-world
B) Whole-brain learning science, so every concept was deeply internalized for transformational change. (These
CONFIDENCE builders are powerful, life-changing
MINDSETS for neuroplasticity and
brain CAPACITY.)
Our program helped immigrants, first-time employees, and visually impaired workers, get jobs they enjoy. So, we were surprised, when we discovered others dropped out. We identified 6 reasons how participants self-sabotaged themselves.
Since we were volunteering our time, we didn’t want to waste it on drop-outs, so we stopped for 2 years, while we researched how to overcome six internal obstacles, quitters had in common.
Now, every course has access to these counter measures, and our facilitators know how to help students apply these motivators, to increase their success.
You can find these summarized in CHAMPIONS GET UNSTUCK.
One of students was having a hard time learning. He asked, ‘Can you help heal my brain?’ The initial answer was, ‘Uh, No.’ But, since we DID
know learning science, (how people transform with learning)
we invested hundreds of hours investigating brain science (how ‘happy brain chemicals’ reinforce learning) which builds redundant neuropathways.
This lead to understanding how brain chemicals are formed, strengthened and nurtured.
Our course material has been re-written and organized to deliberately enhance focus (serotonin), bonding (oxytocin), relaxation (melatonin), through work-books, coaching, and guided meditations.
Now, participants dive into the learning method best fitting the type of nurture needed in the moment.
The final results include
A) Prolonged Default Mode State (DMS), for relaxed and alert work.
B) Increased neuro plasticity.
Intertwined , alternate neuro-pathways link right and left brains, for
conscious (behavior),
subconscious (long-term memory and habit), and
superconscious (transformational mastery)
Our goal this year is to start compiling our unique transformational material into the Career Resiliency (the CR series).
There is a new trend to make traditional education opportunities more in line with the highly innovative and problem-solving career roles needed by companies in the future. This effort, as evidenced by both learning institutions, and company training, (such as Career Connect Washington) would benefit from our hands-on, industry-relevant decades of practical research and delivery.
To do this, we would appreciate you and your friends to be in our focus groups for job seekers and company teams, as we develop
CR101 Negotiate a job you enjoy
CR105 Be Seen, Heard, Valued, and Respected.
Both of these increase participant vocabulary and behavior in knowing their strengths, building new passion, and showing the value they bring to those who pay.
Eventually, we would broaden these employee and work team (respectively) short courses, into a high-school or college remote learning program, CR107 The Value You Bring. Participants would use themselves as the product, and employers (or clients) as customers. Their capstone project would be their career path. While they add value in every step of the value chain, they use practical methods, tools, and ideas to bring their vision to reality.
outlook office has a pdf reader.??
You can acquire wisdom (applied knowledge) for your transformational change, in these multi-media ways:
A) Online webinars. Watch lectures and Vlogs to gain insights.
B) Guided Journals. Download and fill out worksheets, which are real templates you can use at work.
C) Guided meditations. Relax and listen as you slip ideas and words into your long-term memory.
D) Workshop discussions. Participate in online or in-person dialogue, to hear new perspectives and share ideas.
E) Mastermind Alliances. Talk with your study-buddy, or mentor, to learn to express ideas confidently and gain valuable insights and feedback.
Job skills training
Taught job/computer skills in Manila and Seattle, for corporate clients and immigrant workers.

Coping Mechanisms
Expanded program for laid-off (vulnerable) people, who wanted to be less stressed and more adaptable.
Blended Program
Used learning and brain sciences to increase effectiveness. Became certified as life coaches.

Meet the people who make it all possible
Innovative, caring people enjoy being with like-minded people. We are so fortunate to have a team of people who come together, drift apart, and come back. We share life experiences and encourage each other.
We would enjoy learning and growing along your life-journey.