Resiliency+ Toolkits
7 skillsets + 7 mindsets
What multi-media tools do you want now?
Choose the tools YOU want
1) SKILLSETS for Competence (Financial) Security and
2) MINDSETS for Coping Skills (Emotional) Security.
to speed getting benefits faster.
Which one will you do first?
Create a roadmap just for you!
CR101 for New job/role, performance review.
CR105 for Career Path, visibility for new opportunities.
CR107 for Career Resiliency, to be confident in mastering resiliency skills, no matter what happens in the world.

Transition from 'Earn Income' to 'Create Wealth'
Don't lose a job opportunity because you don't know the difference between these life strategies.

Failure to Success Story
As a single mom, I (Jaye) needed the job. I was laid off when my company went out of business. In Chaos, things got worse: lost my home, went into debt, got divorced, and made it through bankruptcy.
After that, I needed to get and keep a job NOW!! When I came in second for a Network Help Desk opening, I asked my recruiter ‘Why?’ She responded that I should be happy with a high ranking; she personally had vetted over 300 people for the job. But, to me, being second doesn’t pay the bills.
Determined to know what was holding me back, I contacted the Account Manager, Mike Hegge. He actually asked the Hiring Manager, then came back and told me that "You told how you 'could do the job’. The winner told the manager ‘How he could ‘Create wealth’ for the team".
WHAT?!? I knew the difference between ‘Earn Income’ and ‘Create Wealth’ but I never thought to use those words for a network call center job! I was so motivated (read-frustrated), I spent the next 30 years studying how to be the one chosen and kept.
Then, I taught these tools to my son, so he would have continual doors open up to him.
Along the way, we create wealth – richer, fuller lives – for ourselves, our family, our business team-mates, and the communities we cherish.
What has now become the Resiliency+ Toolkit™ is a tight compilation of hard-won experience in a turbulent world.
I’ll share the nuggets with you for free.
Then, you can choose if you want to use (or pass on to your friends) the many other resources and multi-media tools to transform your brain, your mind and your life.
You don't mow your lawn with a chain-saw.
Picking the right tool for the situation is important.
Resiliency+ program helps you use the right method for the goal, to get results faster.Stacey McKay