Transforming Tools

Whole-brain learning and Problem-based learning, are two of the MOST POWERFUL learning sciences our students like for transformational change. They can easily discuss the practical experience they gained by using tools and templates used in business. BONUS: Our tools are deliberately, and carefully, crafted to trigger 'Happy Brain Chemicals', so you lift your spirits, and build neuroplasticity on-demand.

Build Value

We have a clear purpose – Develop the world’s workforce for
peace and prosperity, by encouraging
COMPETENCE (skillsets) and
CONFIDENCE (mindsets).

Our participants show the value they bring, and how they bring it, for every valuable skillset and mindset.

The value we bring

Being able to get and keep a job with highly-sought-after
skills creates financial and emotional stability. With these you are COMPETENT

FROM REACTIVE TO PROACTIVE. Brighter futures unfold, when
equipped with powerful business competencies (skillsets), and deep, psychological coping mechanisms (mindsets).<br> Using the Resiliency+ toolkits, we move from
We shape the
change we are living.  How about you?

How we bring it

Former students, and family members, know by experience how this new knowledge has changed our lives.

PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING SCIENCE for developing skillsets.

KNOW. OWN. SHOW. Our workshops, Guided Journals, and videos allow people to learn principles, then customize skills through actual practice, until they become competent mentors for others.

WHOLE-BRAIN LEARNING SCIENCE for developing mindsets

CUSTOMIZED. Our personalized coaching, on-demand learning, and relaxing Guided Meditations, encourage and reward people for using methods, tools, and ideas to become better, faster and worth more.

THINKING CAPACITY. Each course and workbook is deliberately balanced to create new neural-pathways throughout the brain. This helps one to think more quickly, with versatility.

MEMORY RETENTION. The variety of experiences and dialog are designed to trigger mood-changing brain chemicals to relax or engage. 
This slides information from short-term to long-term memory.

Trigger your ‘happy brain chemicals’ whenever you want, using the various tools and resources, found on our site. 

Sign up for a webinar to give you a starter project plan on the goal of your choice. Select START from the menu.

Learning behavior shapes actual change

The Resiliency+™ program was started by a single mom, who faced many challenges. The family business closed. The bank accounts were drained. Bankruptcy unfolded. A Divorce followed. Jobs were looked for during a recession, with few job skills (working in orchards didn’t translate to city jobs). Single mom and child moved to a new town. Mom had to find day care and afford it on minimum wage. Then the child ...

Shape the change you are living.

Mom was looking for work. Then the child was diagnosed with a rare and mostly fatal form of leukemia. 60+ creditors called day and night. There was no inner peace. 

Thus, began mom’s 30+-year search for the top resiliency principles, so her child would be able to thrive in the relentlessly changing workforce. Together, they brought the program to their friends and family, with mentoring, and classes held in homes and community centers.

Now, decades later, mom is moving to a home by the river, while son is building an industry-disruptive business, bringing new technology to the construction trades.  Our business is housed in our own commercial building.

We curate some of the most powerful transformational learning behavioral education, just for you and your family.

Take this learning for your kids and grandkids. Lead them in change.

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About Resiliency+

Brain CAPABILITY. Our resiliency materials are carefully researched and crafted to bring you powerful business knowledge (methods, tools, ideas).

Brain CAPACITY. Match thinking methods with multi-media learning to build new pathways, and shift ideas to long-term memory.

R+ Toolkits



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