
{“title”:””,”nav_menu”:”18″} Start your journey

You are a resilient person, who has a lot to share with those around you.

Use these toolkits to empower you with the ideas, and tools, to communicate how you help others shape their change.
Showcase the value you bring, so money and appreciation flow to you and yours.

Reduce stress and adapt to change
with the 7 Mindsets (Coping Mechanisms). 

Master highly-sought-after skills, as you add value using every step of the 7 Skillsets (Value Chain). 

Now, its time to be seen, heard, valued, and respected for the value you bring.

Partners on your journey

Thank you for choosing us to partner with you on your resiliency journey. With over 30 years experience, we have deliberately collected the top Methods, Tools, and Ideas to help you showcase how you are Better, Faster, and Worth more. 

When you express the value you bring, you strengthen your financial and emotional safety nets that help you flow new opportunities to you and your business. 

CHOOSE WAYS TO TRANSFORM. Our classes, coaching, workbooks, on-demand tutorials create transformational change that slips your wisdom from short-term to long-term memory.  There are only three outcomes that are important: fail, pass, or pass with honors. Commitment to transformation is how you Dive, Survive or Thrive.

WHOLE-BRAIN LEARNING. The bonus is that our learning path is deliberately crafted to be customized to your needs. Taken all together, your learning experience triggers brain chemicals to calm your brain, or give you the nudge to overcome boredom.

 Additionally, learning through speaking, writing, typing, seeing and listening creates multi-dimensional experience that rewires brain so you think more clearly. NEUROPLASTICITY actually recreates your brain, so that you gain new interconnections and build brain health.

Your learning resources

Packed with valuable information to
your strengths,
opportunities with POWERFUL resumes, negotiate appropriate benefits. 

FREE. We gift this powerful beginning, since the world needs you, to make a difference!

Every month, we add new resources, downloads,  podcasts to help you build skillsets and mindsets for financial and emotional stability.

Subscribe at the level best for you.

Multi-media reinforces long-term skill mastery leading to transformational change.

Calm your brain.

Use these relaxing meditations to give powerful words to bring out what is already inside you.

While you drift to sleep, slip the
short-term memories into long-term. 
Speed your transformation.

Build mastermind alliances as support in your resiliency journey. 

Everybody can 
have a mentor and be a mentor. 

Choose one of our certified mentors, or become one yourself. 

Career Resiliency TOOLKITS.
Your Guided Journals are practical resources designed to help you recognize, master, and show your special value. 

“You don’t use a chainsaw to mow your lawn. so choose the tool appropriate to your situation.” Stacey McKay

Career Resiliency ROADMAPS.
These are outcome-specific courses or tutorials.

CR101-Find a Job you enjoy, 2022

CR105-Be Seen, Heard, Valued, and Respected

CR107-Value you Bring:
Get and Grow your Job in a Changing Economy

Success Stories

When I first came to the States, I didn’t speak much English. Being visually impaired, I started working sewing parts bags in the back of the factory floor at Lighthouse for the Blind  After several years, I progressed to shop floor production planner. I was frustrated because my boss did not want to lose me, so all my requests for transfer and promotion went to others. 

In the beginning, I didn’t understand the words Jaye used in her Resiliency training. But,  I could see nothing stopped her. She was always happy, even when I knew things were going badly when she lost her job.
Soon, she had another good job.

Finally, I asked Jaye to get me another job too. But instead, she had me write my ideal job at the company where I am. So I  did.  I used Resiliency Plus ideas when I wrote my resume, and career plan, for my boss. The Vice President of HR created a job for me.  Jaye helped me write my new job description. Then the Vice Presidents and Directors called me into the board room so I could teach them what I learned, to help them write new job descriptions to recruit others.  I repeated what I learned in class, about the Resiliency Plus Toolkit and their jaws dropped.

As I left that day, I walked past the same ladies I sat with 12 years earlier. They were still chatting in Spanish and sewing bags in the back of the factory.   Jaye helped give me the knowledge and words to transform my life from factory floor to boardroom. Now, I make a difference in Human Resources, helping others build their careers too.

– Nelly Rios You gave me the vocabulary and confidence, and I brought the determination. Why Choose Us

This program grew out of a real need of a single mom to get work in recession to care for son. 

She found the words to coach son in necessary job and mental health skills to adapt to life’s changes. 

Our team’s backbone is built from tying together the skills of seasoned professionals and
former students, who
have been with us from 5 to 20 years. 

We have been transforming our lives.
Now, we partner with you to empower you too.

Resiliency Plus is solidly grounded in key business skills , through 7 planks of value chain bridge. 

PLUS it protects your livelihood by equipping you with 7 different coping mechanisms to
reduce stress and adapt to change.


After I attended Jaye’s resiliency classes, she helped me practice my interviewing skills to get my first job in the US. 

Six years later, I hit a glass ceiling. From a position of Sr. Project Manager, I had asked to become an ‘Executive Assistant’. Soon I was typing letters. Not what I wanted. 

Felt I had few options, so I met with my Resiliency Mentor to build my next job hunting plan. 

Instead, she encouraged me to change my vocabulary and show my value. Changed my goal to ‘Executive-in-training’, and got a $6,000 raise.

When I walked into drop off my resume at Korry, they didn’t have a job opening I was qualified for. However, I had worked with Jaye to build my  Resiliency Resume Kit. 

The HR rep looked at my resume and soon had the hiring managers there asking me questions and taking me around the factory.   

Knowing how shy I am, and that I had never learned how to job hunt, Jaye asked me how I did in the job interview. 

I told her they only asked the questions she had already asked me when I did my exercises. 

Getting the job, I was soon sent to school for laser machining.  I stayed there until retirement.

My experience had been in volunteer work. Attending classes in business competency gave me the words I needed. I used the Resiliency Resume Kit format, and got my first job. 

It really made me feel good that I learned the vocabulary, and that I had a Mastermind Mentor to practice with. The greatest thing I got from the program was a sense of confidence and self-worth. 

Support Career Resiliency:
Workforce of the future

Will you help us reach our targets sooner? 
In 2022 we aspire to launch online courses to train the workforce of tomorrow. 

We are inspired by George Colorado, a visionary who would like to leverage the unique challenges and opportunities of the COVID-era. As the world economy shrank, jobs disappeared around the planet. Workers came back not only to Manila, but also to the outlying provinces in remote islands. George would like to encourage unemployed to go back to College and University and upgrade their Critical and Creative thinking skills, as they build real competencies in adding value in all aspects of businesses. (Product Development, Market Analysis, Facilitation, Project Management, Operations, and Sales/Customer Service). 

At the same time – we equip them with powerful mindsets and coping skills in
Inner Peace, Health, Friendship, Clear Thought, Problem-solving, Entrepreneurship and Courage.

To do this, we need to build-out international web delivery platforms, and a college semester’s worth of material that reaches into small learning pods in local schools, clinics, community centers. There, participants can learn from their facilitators/college instructors via webinars, and download videos to solar-powered cell phones.

Taking their printed workbooks (journals), they go back to their local neighborhoods, where they gain credit for mentoring others in the skillsets and mindsets they are mastering. While they do this, they use (and teach others) the learning sciences of
Whole-brain learning, (building neuroplasticity with happy brain chemicals) and
Problem-based learning (customizing a career resiliency plan to bring new job opportunities).

We call this Career Resiliency course 
CR107-Value You Bring: Get and Grow Your Income in a Changing Economy