Choose Your Approach (Appropriate)

"When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Many of us learned PROCESS improvement skills, for KNOWN situations. But how well equipped are we for today's UNKNOWN and UNCERTAIN situations? R+ variation of David Snowden's Cynefin Framework gives insights in applying appropriate approaches.
Cynefin graphic

Following World War II, high schools were geared to help turn out qualified workers to support the need for manufacturing laborers.  Individuals learned the skillsets to be told what to do, and how to do it. PROCESS skills became the main method taught for workers to achieve desired, KNOWN outcomes.  

However, external forces of globalization, technology, and social change require different approaches, especially where the outcomes are UNKNOWN or UNCERTAIN. 

New methods and tools are needed for UNCERTAIN and AMBIGUIOUS situations. Are you well equipped?

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SHOWCASE YOUR VALUE. Use the SAR interview answer format to show how you did (or will) use the above highly-valued skill for those who pay.

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